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Cultural Resources Management

TEE provides a full range of cultural resources management services for both public and private sector clients. Our staff of archeologists and historic resources specialists are fully versed in procedures to comply with Sections 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and other federal, state, and local statutes related to cultural resources. Our services include record searches and literature reviews, archival research, field surveys, test excavations, data recovery, and construction monitoring. The Touré Environmental cultural resources staff has experience in preparing Cultural Resources Management Plans (CRMP), Historic Preservation Plans (HPP), Memoranda of Agreement (MOA), and Programmatic Agreements (PA). The staff routinely assists clients with consultation with State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPO), Native American groups, and non-governmental organizations.


Services Provided

• Compliance with NHPA (Sections 106 and 110), NEPA, CEQA, and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)
• Prehistoric a d historic-period archaeological resources, identification, evaluation, and treatment
• Historic architectural resources, identification, evaluation, and treatment
• Impact assessments and development of mitigation measures
• Data recovery for mitigation

• Construction monitoring
• Preparation of CRMP, HPP, MOA, PA, Research Designs, Test Plans, Data Recovery Plans, and Inventory, Excavation, and Data Recovery Technical Reports
• Native American consultation and interviews with tribal representatives/elders
• Preparation of cultural resources sections for NEPA/CEQA documents
• Coordination/ consultation with federal agencies and SHPO
• Geoarchaeology

Cultural Resources Management

Archaeological Services

TEE cultural resources staff provides all services required for the identification, evaluation, and treatment if archaeological resources as needed for compliance with federal, state, and local regulations. Touré Environmental archaeologists carry out field surveys to identify prehistoric sites including village sites, temporary camps, roasting pits/hearths, lithic (stone) tools and flakes, milling features and groundstone artifacts, petroglyphs/rock art, geoglyphs, fish traps, and burials/cremations. Touré Environmental archaeologist also identify historic archaeological sites including homesteads; agricultural or ranching features; mining-related features; water storage and conveyance features such as culverts, reservoirs, and dams; and refuse concentrations. Touré Environmental archaeologists excavate archaeological sites to evaluate their significance and to recover data as mitigation of impacts.


Services Provided

• Field surveys, sample survey strategy designs, and predictive models
• Detailed recordation of archaeological sites, using Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
technology for site mapping
• Preparation of California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) 523 site forms
• Test excavations of prehistoric and historic-period archaeological sites
• Laboratory sorting, cataloging, and analysis of artifacts
• Site evaluations using the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and/or the
California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR) eligibility criteria
• Impact assessments and development of mitigation measures
• Data recovery for mitigation
• Construction monitoring
• Ground-based laser scanning and mapping of sites
• Three-dimensional scanning of artifacts
• Geoarchaeology

Archaeological Services
Architectural History Services

Architectural History Services

TEE provides all services required for the identification, evaluation, and treatments of historic period architectural resources such as houses, cabins, barns, lighthouses, churches, post offices, commercial buildings, meeting halls, city or government offices, bridges, and early military structures such as guard houses, warehouses, barracks, hangars, gun batteries, administrative offices, and other structures or facilities. Identification, evaluation, and treatment of architectural resources are carried out in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and/or the California Environmental Quality Act.


Services Provided

• Literature reviews, archival research, and oral interviews to provide the history of the
• Structures inventories to identify historic-age buildings and objects within a project area
• Detailed recordation of historic structures including photo-documentation
• Preparation of California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) 523 building,
Structure, and Object forms
• Structure evaluations using the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and/or the
California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR) eligibility criteria
• Impact assessments and development of mitigation measures
• Historic American Building Survey (HABS)- level documentation
• Preparation of Memoranda of Agreement, Treatment Plans, and Technical Reports
• Coordination/consultation with federal agencies and the State Historic Preservation
Officer (SHPO)

Cultural Resources Consultation and Agreement Documents

Cultural Resources Consultation and Agreement Documents

TEE experienced cultural resources staff can assist clients with consultation with federal
agencies, State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPO), and Native American groups and
organizations, as required, based on project needs.
The staff is well versed in the preparation of agreement documents and management plans for the management or treatment of historic properties (i.e., properties listed on or determined eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places) or historical resources (i.e., properties listed on or determined eligible for listing on the California Register of Historical Resources).


Services Provided

• Coordination/consultation with federal agencies and SHPO
• Native American consultation and interviews with tribal representatives/elders
regarding tribal cultural resources issues or concerns
• Preparation of Cultural Resources Management Plans (CRMP) and Historic Preservation
Plans (HPP) for land managers that summarize the federal, state, and local regulations
that apply to the management of cultural resources on their land, identify known
resources within their boundaries, and provide management recommendations for
compliance procedures, program priorities, and implementation recommendations
• Preparation of Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) among a project proponent, SHPO,
and the lead federal agency for Section 106 mitigation measures
• Research designs, test plans, and data recovery plans

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