Wetland Assessment and Delineation
TEE has extensive experience conducting assessments and delineations of wetlands and other waters of the United States throughout California, and other Western States. Touré
Environmental’ s biologists are experienced with a broad range of freshwater and coastal
wetland communities. Wetland assessments are conducted to identify the presence and
approximate extent of potentially jurisdictional water of the United States (regulated under the federal Clean Water Act), and waters regulated by the California Department of Fish and Game. The U.S Fish and Wildlife Service is consulted under the federal Endangered Species Act regarding potential effects to federally listed threatened and endangered species. Data obtained through assessment investigations are often during initial project
opportunity/constraint analyses. Jurisdictional delineations precisely map and quantify the
extent of wetlands and other waters of the United States subject to U.S Army Corps of
Engineers jurisdiction and regulated under the federal Clean Water Act. Field investigations
involve the collection of site-specific data, including soil characteristics, assessment of plant species composition, and evaluations of hydrologic conditions. Wetland delineations are conducted in accordance with the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual and the interim supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual: Arid West Region.
Services Provided
• Pre-investment “due diligence” analysis
• Wetland jurisdictional determinations
• Use of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to map locations of sensitive
• Development of Geographic Information System (GIS) databases to catalog wetlands
and other sensitive biological resources
• Preliminary assessment of regulatory requirements and project design consultation to
assist in regulatory compliance
U.S Army Corps Engineers
• Clean Water Act
- Section 404 Nationwide and
Individual Permits
• Rivers and Harbors Act
- Section 10 Permits
U.S Environmental Protection Agency
• Clean Water Act
• Section 7 Consultations for Biological Opinions
• Section 10 Habitat Conservation Plans
National Marine Fisheries Service
• Endangered Species Act
• Section 7 Consultation for Biological
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
• National Historic Preservation Act
• Section 106 Determinations
• Archaeologists Resource Protection Act
• Native American Graves Protection and
Repatriation Act
State of California
• California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
• Negative Declarations (ND)
• Environmental Impact Reports (EIR)
• State Historic Preservation Officer Determinations
California Department of Fish and Game
• Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreements
• Section 1600 Permits
• California Endangered Species Act
Regional Water Quality Control Board
• Clean Water Act Water Quality Certification
• Section 401 Certifications
• Section 402 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permitting
- Section 404(b)(1) Alternatives Analysis
• National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
- Environmental Assessments (EA)
- Environmental Impact Statements
U.S Fish and Wildlife Service
• Endangered Species Act
• Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans
• Porter-Cologne Act
• Waste Discharge Permits
California Reclamation Board
• Encroachment Permits California Coastal Commission
• California Coastal Act
• Local Coast Program (LCP)
Environmental Permit Acquisitions
TEE staff has experience in preparing and obtaining regulatory permits for projects ranging from private residential development to federal and state-funded projects. Touré Environmental’ s staff is skilled in the interpretation of federal Clean Water Act Sections 401 and 404 regulations, National Environmental Policy Act. California Environmental Quality Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Endangered Species Act, and California Department of Fish and Game Code. Touré Environmental staff members have developed strong working relationships with federal and state regulatory agency staff.
Mitigation and Compensation Planning
Habitat mitigation planning, design, permitting, and implementation are some of the most
complex issues in the environmental field. It not only requires knowledge of biology/ecology,
hydrogeomorphology, horticulture, landscape architecture, and landscape contracting to
design; but also, a broad understanding of federal and state rules and regulations which
ultimately dictate permitting/mitigation success. Often approval of a project’s mitigation is as
complicated as the project entitlement process. Touré Environmental personnel are on the
leading edge of mitigation planning and implementation, and are recognized as such by
resource agencies such as the U.S Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), U.S Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Touré Environmental has developed a strong reputation in this field, and is sought out by private parties, conservation groups, and local governments for our mitigation planning experience.
Services Provided
• On and off-site mitigation feasibility studies prior to final development project design
• Conceptual habitat restoration plans for permit approval for both wetland and upland
• Landscape and engineering construction documents for project bidding and instillation
• Instillation monitoring design to site conditions
• Adapt mitigation design to site conditions
• Long-term success monitoring of restoration projects
• Assess that permit and design goals are met through habitat replacement
• Evaluation of on and off-site mitigation opportunities
• Wetland mitigation bank planning, design, and implementation
• Compensation planning for impacts to threatened or endangered species
• Regional-scale mitigation planning
• Habitat Conservation Planning (HCP), pursuant to federal Endangered Species Act (ESA),
Section 10
• Natural Community Conservation Planning (NCCP), pursuant to California Fish and Game
Code, Section 2081
Habitat Restoration, Planning, Design, and Construction
TEE is experienced in the design, management, and supervision of habitat restoration and
construction activities. Out staff prepare design specifications and assist in the bid process. We provide observation and technical assistance during grading and construction of wetland restoration and compensation sites, such as vernal pools, seasonal and perennial wetlands, streams, and upland buffer areas. Our staff also prepares planting plans, specifications, irrigation plans, and aids with implementation of various restored habitats and vegetation communities.
Community Types
• Vernal pools • Fresh water marshes • Salt marshes • Riparian systems • Riverine, ponds and lakes • Coastal sage scrub • Native grasslands • Oak woodlands • Desert
Services Provided
• Baseline data collection
• Permit applications and agency mitigation consultations
• Conceptual habitat creation/restoration design
• Habitat restoration landscape construction documents
• Construction bid assistance
• Construction observation
• Compliance monitoring
• Habitat success monitoring
• Invasive exotic species eradication plans
Open Space Management
TEE staff has worked extensively with federal and state resource agencies and local jurisdictions to develop Management Plans that meet all the necessary regulatory requirements pertaining to open space preserves. Touré Environmental also provides biological monitoring to assess the health of open space and facilitate its preservation in its natural state. TEE staff is experienced in the preparation of Open Space Management Plans for a variety of habitat types from plan development to drafting deed restrictions and conservation easements. In addition, Touré Environmental’ s staff can assist in identifying a Preserve Manager and coordinating the activities that will be necessary to implement the tasks identified in the Open Space Management Plan. Often, monitoring is a requirement of an Open Space Management Plan. Touré Environmental biologist conduct regulatory agency-required surveys including floristic monitoring, special-status species monitoring, site protection monitoring, open space restoration plans, and identification of invasive, non-native plant species for removal or management.
Service Provided
• Development of Open Space Management/ Restoration Plans
• Natural resource agency and land trust liaison
• Preparation of deed restrictions and conservation easements
• Biological monitoring, as required by management plans
• Identification of invasive non-native plant species for management
• Assistance with management of open space areas
• Assistance in calculating costs for long-term open space management
Storm Quality Management
TEE offers a wide range of storm water quality management expertise to both the private and public sector for development projects (construction and post-construction), and industrial facilities. Our water quality staff approach each project with site-specific and cost-effective techniques to minimize storm water pollution, and comply with state, federal, and local regulations.
Services Provided
• Storm water consultation
- On-call site assessment
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) preparation for consultation sites
and industrial facilities
- Selection of appropriate and cost-effective Best Management Practices (BMPs)
- Preparation and submittal of Notice of Intent (NOI) and Notice of Termination (NOT)
- Response to agency enforcement actions
• Storm water pollution prevention training and certification
- Key concepts of erosion and sediment control
- Storm water regulation
- BMP technology, proper installation, and maintenance and monitoring
• Construction/ Industrial monitoring and reporting
- Site inspections and water quality monitoring
- Annual report preparation
• Post-construction
- Development of Phase I and Phase II storm water management programs and design
standards for municipalities and special districts
- Preparation of post-construction storm water quality control plans
Watershed Planning and Management
Planning and management on a watershed basis makes practical sense regarding natural
resources and ecosystem functions; in particular, the quality and quantity of water and its
effect on the local human, biological, and physical environment.
At TEE we use a diverse team of natural resource scientists who work together to provide an
analytical approach to watershed planning and management. We balance constraints and
opportunities to achieve project goals within the watershed. Our staff use scientific analysis and state of the art Global Positioning System (GPS) technology and computer-based mapping technologies to assess watershed conditions. Based on watershed assessment and data gaps analysis, we support informational meetings, collaborative processes, and regulatory agency liaison to prioritize management goals and strategies. Touré Environmental also provides effective solutions for managing watersheds across political and jurisdictional boundaries.
Services Provided
• Watershed management plans
• Environmental assessments
• Technical advisory to collaborative processes
• Agency liaison
• Water quality monitoring programs, planning, data review, and data analysis
• Watershed modeling (hydrology, hydraulics, erosion, sediment, chemical transport)
• Flood control management and design of flood control structures
• Fish passage design and mitigation
• Fluvial geomorphology and stream/lake restoration
• Best Management Practices (BMPs) for erosion control, water quality and storm water
• Storm water pollution prevention planning and monitoring
• Preservation, mitigation, and restoration of endangered and threatened species habitat
• Recreational opportunities analysis and planning
• Land use planning and landscape design